Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How To Be Successful In College Tip #2: Suck Up To The Professor

Sucking up to the professor is absolutely crucial to being successful in college especially in classes that you are struggling in. Now what do I mean by “suck up” to your professor? Sucking up to the professor consists of doing three main things.

1)      Be Friendly
Believe it or not professors are human beings just like the rest of us. Subsequently, they should be treated with the same respect as everyone else. This means greeting them when you walk into class or see them in the hall. If you show up to their office after class with a question then ask them how their day was before asking your question. Doing these simple things will help you come off as friendly and professors don’t mind helping friendly students.

2)      Share A Little About Yourself
When done correctly this a great way to stand out to your professors. All you have to do is share something non-controversial, relevant and unique about yourself in causal conversation. For example, one summer I traveled to India to study microfinance. I often shared my experiences with my professors. They were intrigued by my experience and remembered me as the student that went to India. The two keywords to remember here are “relevant” and “non-controversial”. In addition to going to India I also have a very sculpted abdomen and a burning dislike of George Bush. While these things may be unique, they are not at all appropriate for sharing with a professor. My sculpted abs are not in any way relevant academics and my dislike of the 43rd president may upset a professor. As a general rule, if you stick to things like involvement in college organizations, academic interest and unique academic projects you should be fine.

3)      Ask Questions
Engage your professor with relevant questions. The subject your professor teaches is most likely a subject that they are passionate about. Show them you are interested and they will notice you. It’s also good to talk to your professor in private and get to know exactly what they expect. Some professors like flowery writing while others like concise writing. Some like original ideas while others prefer a regurgitation of the material. Talking to your professor will reveal theses preference and a help you score higher grades. 

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